Insurance For Afghanistan

We provide insurance cover tailored to meet the specific needs of those involved in complex humanitarian missions, construction and rebuilding projects, legal advocacy, medical assistance and more.

Not working in Afghanistan? We provide specialist insurance for a variety of challenging locations including Israel/Gaza, Ukraine, Iraq, Iran and many more. Visit for details.

Specialist global insurance for people or organisations on assignment to Afghanistan, and the local people they work with.

Our experience providing insurance to people working in conflict zones worldwide allows us to offer tailored policies aligned with the unique challenges faced by people travelling to Afghanistan to offer humanitarian, medical or professional support, as well as the local citizens they employ or work with as part of their duties. 

Podemos cubrir gastos médicos por muerte e invalidez accidental, enfermedad y accidente, además de evacuación y recuperación médica cuando sea posible y repatriación cuando sea necesario, dependiendo de la póliza específica que contrates.

A diferencia de la mayoría de las compañías de seguros, le cubrimos incluso en caso de guerra (declarada o no), rebelión, guerra civil y terrorismo.


Asegúrese usted mismo: cobertura individual

Our individual insurance cover is tailored to meet the needs of people both working in their home country and while on assignment to Afghanistan.


Asegure a otra persona: seguro para empleados locales

Our local employee insurance allows organisations to insure the people they work with in Afghanistan —meeting their duty of care requirement.


Asegure a su gente: cobertura organizativa

Designed for organisations employing groups of professionals visiting or working in Afghanistan with cover extending to their own country.

Seguro imprescindible para cualquier persona
working in Afghanistan. 

The situation in Afghanistan remains deeply complex and challenging, marked by significant human and geopolitical consequences. Amid the ongoing conflict, there has been a significant influx of international support, including humanitarian aid, medical assistance, and professional services from various sectors such as construction, legal, and engineering. 

Organisations, professionals, and volunteers from around the globe are working in a highly complex environment to offer their expertise and support to Afghanistan recovery and rebuilding efforts. The volatile security situation, the potential for further conflict escalation, and the widespread damage to infrastructure necessitate comprehensive insurance coverage.

Our specialist coverage ensures that individuals and organisations — as well as the local people they work with — operating in high-risk environments within Afghanistan are insured against unforeseen incidents, allowing them to focus on their essential work. 

Acerca de los seguros para Group Ltd

Insurance for Group es un proveedor líder de soluciones de seguros especializadas para organizaciones e individuos que operan a nivel mundial, incluidas zonas de conflicto y áreas peligrosas en todo el mundo. Al ofrecer pólizas integrales y asequibles respaldadas por un servicio excepcional, ofrecemos tranquilidad en las circunstancias más difíciles, garantizando que nuestros clientes puedan concentrarse en su trabajo vital.

Visita para obtener más información, o diríjase a uno de nuestros sitios dedicados para obtener cobertura específica para cada función o ubicación. 

Cobertura para periodistas de Medio Oriente, Europa y el resto del mundo.

Why Choose Insurance For Afghanistan?

Discover the unique value we offer to individuals, organisations and the local people they employ as part of their work in Afghanistan.

Apoyo de emergencia global

Trabajamos con organizaciones líderes en la industria que tienen la capacidad y la experiencia para brindar reclamos de emergencia rápidos y apoyo en caso de crisis dentro de Israel.

Cobertura de seguro a todo riesgo

Nuestro seguro incluye muerte accidental, discapacidad, evacuación de emergencia médica y repatriación cuando sea necesario, independientemente de guerra, conflicto o desastre natural, sujeto a las condiciones de la póliza.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes

Hemos desarrollado nuestras pólizas de seguro en colaboración con trabajadores extranjeros y las organizaciones que los emplean, garantizando que en cualquier parte del mundo que los lleve su trabajo, puedan salvaguardar su misión con una cobertura de seguro confiable, asequible y efectiva que se ajuste a sus necesidades únicas.

seguro para periodistas en Israel

Obtenga una cotización ahora

Insure yourself, your local team, or your organisation while working in Afghanistan with our specialised insurance.

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